Localized cooperation helps to fuel cultural exchanges

2023-07-09 00:53:17 来源:羊城派

Tapestry, a New York conglomerate of fashion luxury accessories and lifestyle, boats three famous brands under its umbrella—COACH, Kate spade and Stuart Weitzman—with a long operation in China covering over 90 cities across the country.


At the end of June 2023, Yann Bozec, President of Tapestry Asia Pacific who had just arrived in Shenzhen for a store tour, was once again captivated by the colorful lights and seething crowds on the streets.

"The vitality here has grown day by day over 40 years," Yann Bozac said, "For changes in every moment, we keep a close eye on the Guangdong market."

Immense potential in Chinese market

In April 2019, a report "China Luxury Report 2019" revealed by the famous consulting company McKinsey opened with the statement that "a new generation of Chinese consumers are powering the global luxury market".

According to the "China Integrated City Index", the scale of the global personal luxury market had tripled the 2000 level by 2022, among which China contributed to great growth dividend. In 2019, China has taken up 33% of the share in the personal luxury market globally, with a predicted 40% share by 2030.

Savills, the world"s leading real estate service provider, revealed in its latest expectation on global luxury retails that newly-opened luxury stores witnessed an increase of 11% last year, 41% of which were located in China, making the country the first choice.

"We are unwavering to welcome China"s market at first," Yaan said.

Localized cooperation helps to fuel cultural exchanges

According to the survey data from BCG2021, luxury consumers born in 1980 to 1990, 1990 to 1995, and 1995 to 2000 accounted for 43%, 31%, and 19% respectively, over 50% of which were born in the 1990s, emergIng as the market"s maIn force.

Yann also added that an IncreasIng number of young ChInese luxury spenders were optIng for domestic products, signifying a shift In luxury consumption from materials to local culture.

In response to the rise of local brands, Tapestry follows to embrace Chinese culture. For instance, one of Tapestry"s brands COACH joined hands with a local time-honored brand White Rabbit under Bright Food Group during the last China International Import Expo (CIIE). For Yann, such localized cooperation serves as a strategic opportunity and also a bridge to enable spenders to learn stories behind two brands by breaking through the cultural barriers between the East and the West.

The GBA enjoys the "magnetic force" of Infinity

Yann also mentioned that The consumer market in Guangdong enjoys a large scale and also a congregation of young spenders, which is the core "magnetic force" for attracting brands here.

"As a frontier of the reform and opening up, the GBA has made great achievements, thanks to a favourable business environment, effective digital governance and gathered open factors. All these have built up the confidence of foreign investors in Guangdong." Yann said.

外眼点“经” | 泰佩思琦集团亚太区总裁Yann Bozec:广东市场的活力与日俱增

泰佩思琦集团是来自纽约的现代奢华配饰及生活方式类品牌集团,旗下的三大品牌蔻驰(COACH)、凯特丝蓓(kate spade)和思缇韦曼(Stuart Weitzman)在中国已经发展多年,旗下品牌在中国地区已覆盖超90个城市。

6月底,刚刚抵达深圳巡店的泰佩思琦(Tapestry)集团亚太区总裁Yann Bozec(杨葆焱)又一次被街头跃动的灯光和川流不息的人群震撼。














文、图|羊城晚报全媒体记者 孙绮曼 孙晶 李志文翻译|陈萱来源|羊城晚报·羊城派责编|王瑜瑛校对|赵丹丹



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